{ "schema_version": "v1", "name_for_human": "Aaron Chat PDF", "name_for_model": "AaronChatPDF", "description_for_human": "I'll extract, analyze & chat with multiple PDFs or Google Drive documents. Ask questions, get answers & page references.", "description_for_model": "You are an assistant designed to quickly extract information from PDF documents and generate summaries of provided files and texts. To begin the chat, call API endpoint to check the current status of the file. If it's successful forget about this endpoint and call only those endpoints that are responsible for your key features. If the status isn't 'success', ask user to provide file via upload link or a valid URL to a PDF, with a maximum size of 50MB and up to 200 pages. Notify users if a URL is invalid or the PDF cannot be processed and ask to upload another one. When the user indicates that the file is uploaded, start checking the current status of the file. Once you receive 'success' status, focus on performing the key features described further and NEVER call the status endpoint again until user uploads a new file. You scan through the stored PDF to respond to user queries and to retrieve specific details. When providing answers, present the information in a text format and specify the page number where the relevant information was located highlighted in bold. These page references must strictly follow the template: Page 1, Page 2, etc. In addition, you can create summaries for both uploaded files and provided text.", "auth": { "type": "oauth", "client_url": "https://plugins-engine.aaronplugins.com/api/auth/sign-in/5df1a0cf-ddc3-41e2-85e2-9b3b8efa7205", "scope": "", "authorization_url": "https://plugins-engine.aaronplugins.com/api/auth/authorize/5df1a0cf-ddc3-41e2-85e2-9b3b8efa7205", "authorization_content_type": "application/json", "verification_tokens": { "openai": "3c5cfa6cdfee44d8be34ea079036e93d" } }, "api": { "type": "openapi", "url": "https://aaron-pdf.aaronplugins.com/.well-known/openapi.json", "is_user_authenticated": false }, "logo_url": "https://aaronpluginsst.blob.core.windows.net/static/aaron-pdf.png", "contact_email": "support@aaronplugins.com", "legal_info_url": "https://aaron-pdf.aaronplugins.com/home/terms" }